
Redeeming Roots

Robyn spent her formative adolescent years in a rural town in Texas. As many adolescents often do, she struggled with the smallness of it and the lack of things ‘to do’. The beauty, the good and the holy in rural America was not appreciated in those years. Now, after seeing how communities are a vital part of healing, growth, and advancing the Kingdom of God, Robyn has a passion and a stirring to begin conversations and ways forward to restore rural communities to become sustainable thriving centers of hope and healing. This passion was developed through serving at a ministry in East Texas with a multi-generational approach to restoration, and serving in Brazil with a ministry that has a deep community of believers that work together to advance the Kingdom of God.

Whether it is in America or around the world, community matters. The United States was founded on and pioneered by those living in smaller communities. With globalization, technology, the commercialization of commerce and capitalism, many communities are becoming shadows of what they once were. As a result, many people are moving to urban centers in order to survive. In this migration, we are losing the vitality and the joy of communities that see, know, and serve one another. By default these communities are becoming less prosperous and less safe.

What would it be like if we redeemed the roots of our country through leaning into, living and loving in the ways of Jesus, therefore becoming communities that are cities on a hill and a light to the nations?

This ministry focuses on bringing people together for:

  • conversations around best-practices,
  • solutions focused idea-storming,
  • ongoing support.

The heart of this mission is to take the gospel in word, deed, strategy, help, and caring, in order to redeem the roots of our country and the fabric of our society. We can see our communities:

  • become the “cities on the hill, the lights to the nations”,
  • proclaim the wonders and glory of God and His Son Jesus who came so that we can know abundant life, through His eternal, sacrificial, and sanctifying love.

Through formal and informal education, Robyn has learned that the systems around us affect the systems within us. Therefore, when we transform the systems within us, we can bring systemic change to the communities around us. Working with both internal and external systems we will see communities rising together and living abundant lives.