
Qara International

But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” ~Isaiah 43.1

Qara -קָרָא (kaw-raw’):  Hebrew word that means to call, proclaim, invite, summon, cry, utter a loud sound, read, pronounce, commission, appoint, endow, and name.

Qara International exists to summon women to embrace their role as essential, uniquely crafted image-bearers who embody the gospel and carry the hope of Jesus to the often-overlooked women and girls in the world’s spiritually darkest places.


The primary work of the ministry centers on the 5-C’s:

  1. Casting a vision and catalyzing change so women will be awakened to the fullness of the Gospel, the Great Commission and God’s heart for the nations.
  2. Creating “pathways of engagement” for women to GO to the nations next door and across the world.  Pathways of engagement are opportunities, experiences, and entry points for learning about missions, evangelism, world religions and other cultures.  Opportunities will be both local and global (short-term mission trips).
  3. Cultivating relationships and strategic partnerships with other ministries and missions organizations that serve women, girls and families; special emphasis on those whose efforts are focused on Gospel-centered teaching and engagement with unreached people groups.
  4. Curating collaborative content and generating conversations focused on inviting, equipping, and releasing women into their missional callings.
  5. Connecting women so we can journey arm in arm while going about the Father’s business of seeking and saving the lost.

Outcome: Women who will live as fully engaged and enabled ambassadors in every sphere of life, so that all the world may know the hope of Jesus Christ.


Adana is a Jesus-loving storyteller, speaker and teacher of the Bible. She holds a master’s degree in Christian ministry with an Emphasis in Biblical Counseling.  Adana is also a missions strategist and mobilizer, but at the core of it, she just loves gathering with women and inviting them to interact with their world for the cause of Christ.

Adana is married to Steve and together they have three children, two sons and one daughter. Through life’s ups and downs, God has taught Adana about His unfathomable faithfulness and His resplendent grace. A message she proclaims in all she does.