
Burning Hearts

For over a decade, Heidi’s heart has burned to call the next generation into a holy fascination with Jesus, to become a generation that would give themselves to wholehearted love and devotion, no matter the cost. Her desire is that young people all across the globe would have hearts that burn for Jesus, just like the disciples on the Road to Emmaus, and be stirred to evangelism as they encounter Him in the Word.

They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” – Luke 24:32.

The Lord called Heidi to serve full time in 2021, and since then, she has traveled and ministered in South Africa, and domestically in California, Minnesota, and her home state of Kansas City. Wherever the Lord takes her, her calling is the same, evangelizing and discipling young people through His Word, equipping them to live a life in pursuit of Jesus and commissioning them into the world to see the lost saved.

In preparation for the next place the Lord calls her, Heidi will be spending some time in Italy with YWAM getting trained through their Discipleship Training School (DTS). Although she is open to serving wherever the Lord leads her after this, she hopes to serve in the Middle East or Europe.