
Asha Kendram Ministries – Paul & Leela Chandran

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  (James 1:27)

Paul and Leela are called by their Saviour to be soul-winners. James 1:27 is the scripture portion that propelled them to this ministry. The major focus for their ministry for many years now has been taking care of the poor and destitute.

In Karnataka state, Paul and Leela have an outreach program where 10 unemployed girls are given sewing lessons to help them find a means of living and more importantly, find Christ. They run batches of 10 students every 3 – 4 months for this. Their mission statement is one with an Evangelical approach, ‘Reaching out to the unreached in every nook and corner of India with the good news of the Gospel – this is our desire, earnest prayer and our greatest longing’.