
New Dawn Africa

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become NEW. 2 Corinthians 5:17

New Dawn Africa is located in Isiolo, Kenya, and serves as a safe haven and refuge for children in need. Its mission is to restore and transform lives through the love of Jesus, regardless of their circumstances or setbacks. We focus on sharing the Gospel in tangible ways through feeding programs, a girls’ home, education services, skills classes, farming, and outreach initiatives.

The heart of New Dawn Africa was born out of a passion to help abused, orphaned, and neglected girls. However, it has grown into so much more, and God continues to expand our ministries in ways we never could have imagined! We recently completed the construction of new facilities that will house up to 60 girls, and we aspire to open a school for both boys and girls in the near future.