
Dream Center – Philippines

Dream Center is a youth development center where students are ministered to, discipled, and mentored.  It is a place where youth are encouraged to start reaching for their dreams by providing them with resources to help them do well in school through the Student Center. The youth also have a place to play basketball or just hang out with other youth and learn musical instruments.

We disciple the youth through daily devotions, youth fellowship, and youth camp. They are put into groups and each group is assigned to a youth leader who will train them on evangelism and how to disciple others. They are mentored to be leaders in their communities and their churches by teaching them how to plan, organize, and execute youth events and community development works. Community works include children’s feeding programs, youth summer camps, and Vacation Bible Schools.

Students who are a part of the Dream Center can enjoy our:

  • Student Center – Ministering to over 300 students from our community, especially those who are from indigent families by providing free use of computers, printers, and internet access. At the Student Center, students are empowered to raise their grades and complete their school work with quality because of these free resources. These students take care of these resources and are responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the facilities.

  • Playground – The playground at the Dream Center provides a place to play and relax.  The youth learn how to share and follow rules.  They share the basketball court, the swings, and seesaws by following the playground rules.

  • Musical Instruments – Youth also have opportunities to learn how to play keyboard, guitar, bass guitar, and drums. Our praise and worship team teaches them how to play and allows them to practice playing praise and worship songs.  The Gospel is first shared with them so they have a better understanding of the songs they are singing. The youth who want to learn how to play often become Christians and some become a part of the worship team.

  • Youth Ministry – Vibrant and fruitful because of the Dream Center.  There are three major disciplines that we teach youth: Hard work, Respect, and Personal Discipline.  We encourage the youth to work hard on their education; we teach them to have self-respect and how to respect others; and to have personal discipline on how to spend their time wisely.