
Marker Moments

I was reflecting recently about the things that have shaped me over the years. I call these ‘marker moments’. We all have them, those moments in time when something happens that leave us changed, or on a different path, or even just questioning what is really real and what is not. They could be anything from a sideways glance that cuts our confidence just enough for the enemy to insert a lie deep in into our hearts. It could be an affirming word spoken over us by someone important in our lives. Good or bad, we get to choose just how much these marker moments will shape us.

I would like to share one profound marker moment with you that has left me changed, even willing to trust when things don’t always add up. I hope this marker moment will help you remember some of yours! 

Years ago I was working with a missionary organization in Africa and a group of us were taking a few days break at a ranch in South Africa. It was somewhat remote, the perfect place to get away and recharge. We were told about a hike that would take us up to the top of one of the small mountains on the property where we were staying. There were only two of us that showed interest, so we set off one afternoon, knowing we had limited time to reach the top, take in the view, and make it back by dark. 

Part way up the mountain, nearing the top but still a ways off, I decided that the pace I was going was really not fast enough to make it to the top in time. Not wanting my friend to miss the promised views, we decided I would wait on the path while she hit the top and came back to find me. I chose a cluster of boulders to take some rest and enjoy the view above the shrubby growth. I scrambled up the large rocks and found a comfy spot. 

Time passed and there was no sign of my friend. I became concerned and started deliberating over what I would do if she didn’t show up soon. Do I go up and see if she is injured? Do I go back and get others to come and help me look for her (but by that time it would be dark)? I was getting agitated feeling I needed to do something. I went to get up to climb back down the rocky mound, not knowing yet what I would do. As soon as I stood, the wind picked up so dramatically I sat back down to avoid stumbling and hurting myself. Thinking to myself how weird this was, I waited till the wind died down before trying to get up a second time. Just like the first, the wind picked up and I sat back down unable to descend safely. God had my attention, this was just too bizarre to be a coincidence! I sat and looked out over the other ridges searching for my friend. Sure enough, she was almost parallel with me, but on a completely different path going down the wrong ridge that would have taken her further and further away from me and our path to get back home safely. 

I called out to her and somehow she heard me! She immediately started heading toward me. I lost sight of her for a short while as she went down into a valley but then to my relief I saw her coming once again and we were reunited! I was utterly amazed how God spoke through the weather that day. Maybe He knew if He tried to speak another way I wouldn’t have been able to hear past the reasoning in my own mind. Or maybe He just wanted me to know that He can communicate with us in any way He chooses. It is only our responsibility to stop and listen, recognize and respond. 

In reflecting on the totality of the experience, I believe God was orchestrating this marker moment from the beginning. I happened to get tired when there was an inviting rocky vantage point to look out from. God knows I like rocks and boulders and that is exactly where I would choose to wait. He knew I would be sensible in climbing down, I love adventure, but safety is important. So right from the beginning, before my friend was in danger (or both of us if we continued together), He orchestrated our safe passage home. It makes me think that God is always planning marker moments in our lives to bring us safely back to Him, to draw us nearer and to bring us safely back home. What we do with our marker moments matters!